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End-point Assessment

In the last few months of an apprenticeship, it’s time for an apprentice to focus on their EPA. 

Once they have completed all the outcomes set out within their apprenticeship standard, an apprentice’s evidence will be uploaded at EPA gateway to the selected EPA organisation (EPAO), typically this is done by a training provider. 

The training provider and employer both have a shared responsibility to decide if an apprentice has demonstrated the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be competent in their job role and if they are ready for their EPA. 

It is an apprentice’s employer, who has the final say on whether they feel they display occupational competence and are ready to complete their EPA. 

We believe the EPA is an opportunity for an apprentice to showcase the skills, knowledge and behavioural attributes that they have developed during their apprenticeship. 

Example Assessment Methods

Professional Discussion Underpinned by a Portfolio

A selection of an apprentice’s best pieces of evidence gathered during their apprenticeship, demonstrating how they have carried out real-work tasks mapped to the apprenticeship standard, which is submitted at gateway. 

A two-way discussion underpinned by the portfolio follows, which involves both the independent assessor and the apprentice actively listening and participating in a formal conversation. 

Project Report with Questioning

A work-based project designed to meet the needs of the business, delivering real business benefit; followed by a structured questioning session with an independent assessor on the submitted project. Apprentices may also be required to do a presentation on their project which forms part of their questioning session. 

Scenario Demonstration with Questioning

Apprentices will perform a series of tasks that have been designed to enable them to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and behaviours, whilst also providing the basis for any questions asked by the independent assessor.  

Simulated Assessment with Questioning

A simulated assessment in a virtual lab environment where apprentices will perform a series of tasks that have been designed to enable them to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and behaviours, followed by a structured questioning session with an independent assessor on the simulated assessment. 

Project and Practical Assessment

A work-based project designed to meet the needs of the business, delivering real business benefit; followed by a practical assessment session with an independent assessor based on the project outputs 

Technical Test

An online exam consisting of long response questions, taken within the EPA.

Typically, older Standard versions have the following EPA components:

Summative Portfolio

A selection of an apprentices best pieces of evidence gathered during their apprenticeship, demonstrating how they have carried out real-work tasks mapped to the Apprenticeship Standard.

Employer Reference

A formal piece of evidence produced from the employer's perspective on how an apprentice has performed in applying their knowledge, skills and behaviours during real-work tasks, ideally linked to evidence submitted within the portfolio.
Both the Summative Portfolio & Employer Reference must be submitted before the Synoptic Project can be taken.

Synoptic Project

Is a project task, which ensures an apprentice can independently and competently complete tasks associated with their Apprenticeship Standard. It should take place away from their normal place of work in a controlled environment.

The interview cannot take place until this has been completed.


After all the other evidence has been submitted, the interview is conducted by an Independent Assessor and used to validate all the submitted evidence against the outcomes listed in the Apprenticeship Standard.

Apprentices will need a quiet area for the duration of the interview, and access to a web cam, an internet connection and be able to show photo ID.
This professional discussion lasts for approximately 1hr.

Our EPA Products

We create End-point Assessments for Digital IT Standards on request, our assessments are based on Employer and Training Provider feedback for more realistic work-related tasks.


Product Development

If you would like to work with Accelerate People on the development of a new product, please get in touch. We harness technology, development expertise and industry experience to design cutting-edge assessments, qualifications and accredited programmes. 

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