Apprenticeship Overview
Data protection and information governance practitioners play a vital role in organisations of all sizes, ensuring compliance with laws and best practices for handling personal and commercial data. Working in diverse settings, they provide regulatory and technical advice to safeguard information assets, support planning and delivery of data governance activities, and train teams to improve data management. Their responsibilities include managing data requests, overseeing compliance with retention schedules, conducting audits and impact assessments, and ensuring privacy by design in projects. They interact with a wide range of stakeholders, from internal teams to external bodies, and operate independently or collaboratively to uphold organisational integrity and data protection standards.
Level: 4
Typical duration to gateway (excluding EPA period): 18 months.
Maximum funding: £10,000.
Assessment Methods (AM): AM1 Work-based project report with a presentation and questions and answers. AM2 Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence.
EPA Gateway
In addition to the employer’s confirmation that the apprentice is working at or above the level in the occupational standard, the apprentice must submit the following gateway requirements.
For those with an education, health and care plan or a legacy statement, the apprenticeship’s English and Mathematics minimum requirement is Entry Level 3. British Sign Language (BSL) qualifications are an alternative to English qualifications for those who have BSL as their primary language.
A summary (of no more than 500 words) outlining the title and scope of the project. It should align with the assessment criteria and knowledge, skills and behaviours listed in the assessment plan for AM1.
A selection of the best pieces of evidence gathered by an apprentice during their apprenticeship. The evidence should demonstrate how an apprentice has carried out specific work tasks mapped to the assessment criteria and knowledge, skills and behaviours listed in the assessment plan for AM2.
Data Protection and Information Governance Practitioner EPA
A 4,000-word work-based project report designed to meet the needs of the business, delivering real business benefit, submitted within 12 weeks of the apprentice entering the EPA period. A presentation based on the project is also prepared and is submitted at the same time as the report.
A presentation with questioning session will follow with an independent assessor; the presentation will take 15 minutes and will be followed by 25 minutes of questioning.
A 60-minute two-way discussion underpinned by the portfolio, which involves both the independent assessor and the apprentice actively listening and participating in a formal conversation.
Apprentices must pass both assessment methods (1 & 2), which can be taken in any order, to successfully complete their apprenticeship. Grades awarded are fail, pass, or distinction. Apprentices will receive their grade ten working days after completing their final assessment method.
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