Level: 5
Standard code: ST1386
Standard version: 1.0
Typical duration to gateway (excluding EPA period): 24 months.
Maximum funding: £19,000
Apprenticeship Overview
A level 5 apprenticeship, to build systems that collect, manage, and convert data into usable information for data scientists, data analysts and business intelligence analysts to interpret. A data engineer’s main aim is to make data accessible and valid so that an organisation can use it to evaluate and optimise their performance.
The role of the data engineer is pivotal to any organisation; it ensures that data pipelines are established to support data scientists and other business stakeholders.
EPA Gateway
In addition to the employer’s confirmation that the apprentice is working at or above the level in the occupational standard, the apprentice must have completed the following gateway requirements prior to beginning end-point assessment (EPA).
For those with an education, health and care plan or a legacy statement, the apprenticeship’s English and Mathematics minimum requirement is Entry Level 3. British Sign Language (BSL) qualifications are an alternative to English qualifications for those who have BSL as their primary language.
Submit a project brief and confirm that they have completed a suitable project that meets the knowledge, skills and behaviours.
No requirements.
Data Engineer EPA
The EPA consists of the following assessment methods:
A 3,500-word report based on a work-based project completed pre-gateway, submitted by the end of week 10 of the EPA period. The presentation and questions will last for 50-minutes, typically split 20-minutes for the presentation and 30-minutes for questioning (+ 10% to allow the apprentice to complete their last point or respond to a question).
An 80-minute professional discussion between the apprentice and an independent assessor.
Apprentices must pass both assessment methods (1 & 2), which can be taken in any order, to successfully complete their apprenticeship. Grades awarded are fail, pass, merit, or distinction. Apprentices will receive their grade 10 working days after completing their final assessment method.
Link to Apprenticeship Standard
Link to qualification specification
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