In the lead up to the Christmas break please see the below information regarding timings during this period. Any enquiries please contact us at info@accelerate-people.co.uk
Christmas Closure
We will be closing for Christmas at 5:30pm on Wednesday 23rd December 2020, and re-opening again at 8.30am on Monday 4th January 2021.
End-Point Assessment
Gateway requests will not be approved during this time.
Any Interviews conducted up until 5:30pm on the 22nd December will have gradings issued by the end of the 23rd December.
Quality Assurance
Any working days between Thursday 24th December and Monday 4th January will not be included in the SLA timeframes for the following:
- Complaints
- Reasonable Adjustments & Special Considerations
- Enquiries and Appeals
If there are any queries please contact qualityassurance@accelerate-people.co.uk